Wednesday, June 18, 2008

June 18th

Noroc! (hello, Moldovans have many words for hello!)
Well we have been here for a week! Caleb and I are enjoying our time so far, we talk often throughout the day and tomorrow we will see eachother in a nearby village.
On Sunday our villages held welcoming ceremonies for the Peace Corps Volunteers. In my village they greeted us with a traditional Moldovan custom of bread with salt and wine. Then some of the Moldovan kids sang to us and we all danced. The mayor and some of the community people spoke words of encouragement and success to us. It was a sweet and welcoming time.
Monday we started language classes at the primary school. There are 9 health eduation volunteers including me in my group. It only takes me about 5 minutes to walk to school, the roads are just dirt here so when it rains everything turns into mud! After class I usually study, spend time with my host family, or hang out with the other volunteers. Each day I feel more at home here. I am interacting and participating more with my host family (learning the language is helping a lot.) The people work hard here at their jobs and in their homes. There is no driving to grab a bite to eat, all their food is homemade and so far delicious! I am hoping to get some pictures up soon for you all to see what it is like here, but I am having trouble uploading for some reason? I will try again soon.
Caleb and I miss you all!
Cele Buna! (All the best)
- Brynn

1 comment:

John Alexander said...

Oh man do I miss you guys. Caleb, I'm a mess withoutcha! I might have to stay in North Dakota until you guys get back just so I won't be so lone and sad without MR. W.

Love you guys, miss you, pray for you not just every day, but throughout every day.
Love, Strength, and Peace-