Sunday, August 17, 2008

Hard to Believe...

It's hard to believe we have made it through 10 weeks of pre-service's amazing to realize how much we have learned and also how much we have experienced in such a short time. Last night, we had a farewell party with our host families. Each village presented a song, dance, or skit in thanks to how much our families have done for us. We also prepared American food including: chocolate chip cookies, salsa and chips, peach crisp, pizza, pigs in a blanket, etc. It was wonderful!! And I think most of the Moldovans enjoyed the food...except for anything that was spicy!
Tomorrow, Caleb and I have our final language test and some wrap up sessions with peace corps. Tuesday we move out of our host family homes and Wednesday we swear in and move to our new site! Please pray for us as we make this transition. We miss you all.
- Brynn


Olivia said...

Caleb and 10 weeks already! We will be praying for you all and the new transition you are about to make. We love you guys!
-The Ogles

Anonymous said...

we all miss you guys!

school hasn't been the same without you Mr.Whitworth..

~Megan Ladd~